ABC series Once Upon a Time is set to conclude its run following its current season. Series co-creator Adam Horowitz took to his Twitter account to announce the news. The show premiered in 2011 and has remained on the network for seven seasons, with new episodes set to air until its finale. The premise of the series, childhood fantasy characters transplanted into the real-world by the curse of an evil Queen, intrigued millions of viewers with the first season of “OUAT” experiencing major success after its pilot was viewed by almost 13 million viewers. For this current season an entirely new cast was brought in following most of the original cast departing the series, including it’s leads, Jennifer Morrison, Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas. Lana Parrilla, Robert Carlyle and Colin O’Donoghue remained for the rebooted season.  The final season of Once Upon a Time will return on ABC on March 2.

‘Once Upon a Time’ to End After Season 7


Editorial credit: Joe Seer /